Current SnowpackHow does snowpack affect rafting in the Colorado Mountains? Snow in the mountains is considered ‘white gold’!! The more snow in the winter, the better rafting in the summer. As the slow spring run-off begins, rivers are rising and becoming more and more fun. As of May 6th, Copper Mountain has a 39” snow base, according to Department of Agriculture. This is considered an average snow pack, however with 15” of snow melt since May 1st the water is beginning to run. National Weather Service’s states that April was the wettest on record placing Summit at 151.7” for the season and the average is 153”. May is already at 17” of positive moisture, which is 7.9” above average. What does this mean for rafters? Water, rapids, and lots of fun!!!

With weather in the 70’s this week, the snow melt is certainly beginning and the mountains are fading to black for another season. All this means for us is some awesome rafting!!!! Rafting for all levels is in full affect on the Arkansas River and Clear Creek, so come check us out!!

By the end of May, rafting will be in full gear. Come join AVA rafting for a life time of experiences!!!

Alison Mathes
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