Every year to help celebrate the New Year individuals make resolutions, promises to be better or do good for the upcoming year. New Year’s resolutions are a great tradition which stem from the origins of the holiday dating back to the time of the Romans. The Romans began each year by making promises to the God Janus, who the month of January was named after. So do like the Romans do and make a resolution that will help you have the best summer of your life with your family and friends.



Typically, most New Year’s resolutions include eating healthier, working out, straightening out finances, etc. Very rarely do resolutions include something about spending more time with family and friends. This New Year make a resolution to have one epic family outing this summer by going rafting and ziplining! Rafting and ziplining are two great activities for all to enjoy! Whether you are the adrenaline junkie of your friends or the nervous nellie in the back, rafting and ziplining are two great bonding activities that are sure to bring smiles to whole group!


While the holidays are a time to enjoy with family and friends, once the New Year hits and we return back to our busy lives we find ourselves forgetting about the quality time we spent with everyone. With the hustle and bustle of the holidays it can be easy to overlook the small things, but quality family time should not be one of them. This New Years make a resolution to have some awesome fun with your family this summer by rafting and ziplining!

Alison Mathes
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